Ego versus mindset . . what's the connection?

Hello! I hope wherever you are this weekend, you're having good weather. We're home in Yorkshire and expecting a high of 19c today. After the "summer" we've had, this will feel like a warm day!

I don't know about you, but this year has seemed to fly by. What are you still looking forward to doing in 2024?

Ego versus mindset

Last week I was having a chat with a girlfriend. She said that as she's gotten older, she's stopped caring about what people think of her. Then, she lowered her voice to a whisper and said, "I especially don't care what these people next door think." We had a laugh over the irony of whispering . . while saying you don't care what people think.

It's one thing to think we don't care, but then our ego quietly sneaks in and takes control. It happens to all of us!

The truth is, our ego loves playing it safe. It tells you things like, “What if you fail? What will people think?” It wants to keep you exactly where you are. Cozy, comfortable . . and completely stuck. That’s where mindset comes in.

A growth mindset

A growth mindset knows that taking risks is where the real magic happens. It’s the difference between saying, “I’m not ready” and “Let’s see what happens!” Your ego prefers to avoid failure, while a growth mindset welcomes the learning that comes from taking risk.

Yes, risk-taking can be scary — but isn’t staying exactly where you are a bigger risk? The irony is, when your ego stops you from trying, you actually risk the best possible version of yourself. And trust me, your future self is WAY cooler than your ego gives you credit for.

So, next time you feel the nagging of “what if?”, ask yourself, "Is it my ego talking?" The ego wants to keep you on the sidelines, but your mindset? That’s the voice saying, “Get in the game!”

Life’s too short to stay comfortable. Take the risk, shift your mindset, and watch yourself grow.

Are there any shifts you'd like to make in your mindset? I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please email me, or click the button below to schedule a no-obligation chat with me!

Here's to bigger risks, bold moves, and a mindset that's ready for anything.

Have a great weekend!

Bethany Ward Life Coaching

I'm a Certified Life Coach and athlete, who loves to talk about personal development and work/life relationships. I help my clients embrace change with courage and determination. Subscribe to my newsletter to get helpful ways to improve mindset, and turn challenges into successes.

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