Life changes and sourdough bread . . what's the connection?

Hello! Almost 2 years ago (and with a lot of help along the way from my patient daughter), I made a sourdough starter. It took a few weeks of work and waiting before there was any payoff in the form of fresh bread. But now we enjoy it all the time, and it ended up being a lot less complicated than it seems. Try a search for how to start one, and you'll be overwhelmed with information! I've boiled it down to the most simple instructions, and you can get a copy at the bottom of this email. In the meantime, though, what could making life changes have in common with making sourdough bread??

Life changes and sourdough bread, what's the connection?

Making big changes in your life is actually a lot like baking sourdough bread - both take time, patience, and more trust than you'd think. Whether you’re waiting for dough to rise or trying to kickstart change in your life, it can sometimes feel like nothing’s happening. But trust me, things are going on behind the scenes. So exactly WHAT do life changes and sourdough bread have in common?

1. The Starter: Your First “What Am I Doing?” Moment

Sourdough begins with a starter - a basic mix of flour and water (and a ton of hope that something will actually happen). At first, it just sits there, looking like nothing is changing. But deep down, yeast is doing its thing. The starter is like that moment when you decide to change your life - whether it’s committing to a healthier lifestyle, changing an unhealthy relationship, or finally deciding to stop procrastinating. It doesn’t look like much at first, but give it time!

2. Feeding the Starter: Consistency Is Key (even when it’s boring)

Every day, you feed your starter. Days and weeks will go by with literally no visible changes. It feels repetitive and pointless. In life, progress happens when you stay committed, even when it’s boring. You might not feel like anything’s changing, but those small, steady actions are adding up, like each tiny bubble in the starter. Boring? Most likely. Effective? Definitely!

3. The Rise: Waiting Is the Hardest Part

Once you’ve mixed the dough, you let it rise, and this is where the next test of your patience starts. There’s no rushing sourdough (I’ve tried, it comes out flat). It’s like waiting for your life changes to kick in - frustrating, sometimes seemingly pointless, and often messy. You want results now, but deep down, you know good things take time. You’re growing, changing, and soon enough, you’ll be ready to take shape. Just stay committed!

4. Shaping and Baking: The Transformation

Finally, your dough is ready to be shaped and baked, and you’re about to see the magic happen. It’s that moment in life where your hard work pays off, and you realize, “I can actually do this!” The sourdough (or your personal growth) is fully formed, golden-brown, and smelling like success (or fresh bread, they smell equally amazing). The transformation isn’t always immediate or visible, but it IS happening - you're making changes and seeing results!

5. The Reward: Savouring the Journey (and hopefully, the bread)

The best part of baking sourdough is taking that perfect loaf out of the oven and taking the first delicious bite. Life changes are similar - except instead of bread, you’re savouring the new opportunities, growth, or healthier mindset you’ve worked so hard to cultivate. And just like the perfect loaf, it didn’t happen overnight. It took patience, effort, and probably a few moments where you questioned everything.

So, whether you’re baking bread or working on yourself, remember, you’re not going to see results instantly. Just trust the process. Give yourself time to rise, shape, and turn into the person you aim to become.

If you'd like to test your patience and make your own starter, here are the simple steps. Please feel free to share this email and/or recipe with anyone who may be interested. And I'd love to hear how it goes for you!

Sourdough starter made simple.pdf​​

Please email me, or click the button below to schedule a no-obligation chat with me!

Here's to bigger risks, bold moves, and a mindset that's ready for anything.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Bethany Ward Life Coaching

I'm a Certified Life Coach and athlete, who loves to talk about personal development and work/life relationships. I help my clients embrace change with courage and determination. Subscribe to my newsletter to get helpful ways to improve mindset, and turn challenges into successes.

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